A poem by Zarith
As the world turn their already blinded eyes and deaf ears,
Where cries of anguish pierce the cold,
In the shadows of hunger and ceasefire permanently on hold,
Hope fades as chaos spreads its ugly wings
From Ukraine’s fields to the Gaza streets to Congo, Sudan & beyond,
Oppression reigns where normality retreats and froze,
Feeling displaced amidst relentless attacks from all sides,
Revealing the roar of cruelty and helplessness
London emerges among the confusion & uncertainties,
A beacon of hope in the world of insanity,
Offering refuge, extending solace to every soul,
London motherly embrace, a haven in the night,
Amidst the rubble, Londoners can be that light,
Please unchain that broken wings in this dark “Big Smoke”.
As the world can finally witness,
Our busload of love & hope can finally take flight.